Top 26 v4

Meet The Top 26 Next Dark Star Contestants!

Yes, we know we started out saying this would only be the Top 20…BUT there were so many great submissions that we could NOT narrow it down to 20! Even 26 was hard…but we had to draw the line somewhere. 

Truly, we were blown away by how many amazing submissions we received. There is SO MUCH talent out there. For those who did not make it, keep following along…we hope that you will still be able to learn through the mentors and still be part of this amazing journey! 
Be sure to follow your favorites (and @DarkStarCon!) on TikTok! 
We’ll announce CHALLENGE #1 on May 1st, 7pm CST on TikTok @DarkStarCon. Join us to learn how to vote for your favorites!

Andi Eloise

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